8 steps to crossing anything off your bucket list
1% better every day at 11:11am - newsletter #018
I believe everyone should wake up everyday inspired to go after their dreams. I am truly convinced that realizing your dreams gives you wonderful energy, for yourself and for those around you.
But it's like everything else, to go after your dreams, you have to learn how to do it! You don't just drop everything and ride across Mongolia overnight. You don't decide one morning on a whim to skydive out of a hot air balloon. Dreaming big is good. But it's better to start small.
At Timeleft, we have studied more than 2500 dreams and exchanged with hundreds of people who have succeeded in conquering their dreams.We now know that motivation is the starting point, but it is the system that allows you to go all the way and make your dream come true.
1/ Reconnect to your dreams. Everyday life buries our dreams. You have to take the time to go into your memories. If you're short on inspiration, go for a look at timeleft!
2/ Make a list of your dreams. If you don't write it down, it will remain dreams. Write his bucket list, that's half the battle!
3/ Make every dream measurable. If you can't "check it off ", then you won't be able to reach it. If you can “fix it in time”, that's even better!
4/ Start by going for the simplest to achieve. And stay focused on this one. What we're looking for is to put you in a good positive energy.
5/ Talk about it. Talk about it all the time! If you don't talk about it, no one will help you. It's basic 101.
6/ Find out more. Get information on Internet, watch videos and tutorials. Meet people who have already achieved the dream. Ask questions. Don't be shy!
7/ Stay focused and persistent. Don't spread out, don't try to dream several dreams at once. Yeah, it's hard. If it was easy, everyone would do it!
8/ Help others achieve their dreams. It's always easier to help others than yourself. By doing so, you will bring positive energy into this world, energy that will come back to you!

Need coaching?
We allow you to exchange live with our team to build the system that will help you realize your dream. Just click on the green button at the bottom right of the screen, directly from our platform.

“What got you here won’t get you there” - Marshall Goldsmith

The service uses the company's extremely precise camera tech to make sure people stay the proper distance apart. If you walk by its enormous screen, you'll see a virtual circle around yourself, which turns red if you're too close to someone else.
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Callen Schaub is an artist that creates paintings using a swinging paint bucket with slots that allow the paint to flow out. His original pieces sell for up to $50,000. Callen became known thanks to his originality but especially thanks to his presence on social media. He was one of the first to believe in TikTok.
Since his popularity is booming, he no longer leaves no one indifferent. And we like it!

The Moby “Bring Sally Up” Challenge
A great classic in the crossfit world. Perfect for warm-up. All you have to do is choose the movement of your choice and follow the music.
When the singer says "down" you go down, when she says "up" you go up. Of course, as long as she doesn't say "up" you stay down!
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