Do you really want to be a hundred years old?
Without thinking the answer would be YES. But if you take some time to think about it, the answer becomes "yes, but..."
We live in extraordinary times where medicine and technology are performing wonders that could have been attributed to science fiction films just a few years ago. We're living longer and longer, it’s a fact. 25% increase in life expectancy in 70 years for women (see graph below).
Life expectancy of women at different ages since 1947...

Science patches us up like little puppets or gives us drugs to keep us alive. When I see my grandparents forced to swallow dozens of pills a day, it makes me think.
Or rather, it reinforces my belief in the importance of nutrition, mental and physical activities in our lives. As Christopher McDougall says, "You don't stop running because you get old, you get old because you stop running." It's the same thing with the brain, if you stop working it, it declines.
Take care of your body and your brain right now. Do physical activities several times a week, read books, challenge yourself intellectually... We are so lucky to have everything we have at our disposal for this.
Get 1% better every day !

“We will have eternity to celebrate the victories but only a few hours before sunset to win them.” - Amy Carmichael

What the Health is the groundbreaking follow-up film from the creators of the award-winning documentary Cowspiracy. The film exposes the collusion and corruption in government and big business that is costing us trillions of healthcare dollars, and keeping us sick.
FYI : After watching this documentary, I became 100% vegetarian!

What do you do on a regular basis that usually ends up wasting your time and energy?

If you don't know Joe Rogan by now, you're gonna fall out of your chair. the reported 190 million people who download “The Joe Rogan Experience” each month. Before making the biggest deal in history for a podcaster, He was already making $30 million a year.
He appeared to smoke pot with Elon Musk on the air in one of his most notorious interviews (September 2018). Joe and Elon sat down and smoke weed together on the air. Watch the video, the smoking begins about 2 hours and 10 minutes in.
Joe Rogan also doesn't shy away from controversy. Rogan made himself a contentious talking point by pushing his own diet to the extreme, committing to 30 days of eating only meat, without carbs, veggies, fruits, or anything else. He said the all-meat “carnivore diet” gave him more energy… and explosive diarrhea !

450 reps / time : 15 to 25 min
50 burpees + 50 squats + 50 situps
40 burpees + 40 squats + 40 situps
30 burpees + 30 squats + 30 situps
20 burpees + 20 squats + 20 situps
10 burpees + 10 squats + 10 situps
Go for 1 round. If you do it in less than 18min, you’re are in a pretty good shape !
how to do a burpees / how to do a squat / how to do a situp
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