I am lucky to have created a new startup full of meaning, totally aligned with my "why"! At Timeleft, we believe everyone should wake up everyday inspired to go after their dreams.
2 months after its launch, I validated more than 3500 dreams! A real sociological experience. We realized that French have 40% of their dreams in common, but also that most dreams are "unreachable".
Why is that? For two main reasons: the first is that they are not measurable and the second is that they are way too big. Hence the title of this newsletter: Dream big, start small.
I can already see you saying "not everything has to be measurable!". And you're right. But in order to achieve something, you have to be able to know when you've achieved it. For example, "To be happy" is one of the most popular dreams. A nice dream to pursue, I'll give you that. But how do you know if that dream is achieved?
Another example: "Reach my bodygoal". If you don't try to bring "measure" to this dream, then it will be a never-ending race. Is it losing 5kgs? 10kgs? Having more muscle? Being faster? Stronger ?
After having coached about a hundred people, I realize that "dream big" is counterproductive. Of course "Travelling around the world" is a great dream! But the step is way too big for 99% of people. So people are stuck in front of this mountain to climb when all they have to do is start putting one foot in front of the other.
We can start by making a list of the countries you've visited, the countries you would like to visit. Once the list is complete, we can imagine taking one evening per country to make a list of things to see. Why not try to meet people who have already visited these countries?

“ Chaque fois qu’un humain subit une perte tragique, il résiste ou il cède. Certaines personnes deviennent amères ou pleines de ressentiment. D’autres deviennent sages, tendres et pleines de compassion. Céder veut dire accepter ce qui est et être ouvert à la vie. La résistance est une contraction interne, un durcissement de la carapace de l’ego. Vous vous fermez. Tout geste que vous posez quand vous vous trouvez dans cet état de résistance (que l’on peut aussi appeler négativité) créera davantage de résistance extérieure et l’univers ne sera pas de votre côté. La vie ne vous aidera pas. Si les volets sont clos, la lumière du soleil ne peut entrer.”
Nouvelle Terre: L'avènement de la conscience humaine - Eckhart Tolle

The Way of Life app is that tool, a intuitive habit tracker, that motivates you to build a better, stronger and healthier you.
If you can't measure it, you can't improve it.

Am I being good to myself?

The Run-Walk Method
The Run-Walk Method is a great way for new runners to get started and for experienced runners to improve their race times. The method was pioneered by one of our favorite coaches, the Olympian Jeff Galloway. Contrary to what you might think, the technique doesn’t mean walking when you’re tired; it means taking brief walk breaks when you’re not. You can pick whatever ratio of walking and running that works for you. Some suggested combinations include:

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