I discovered the comic book below in my instagram this morning. I'm clearly the character on the left. I'll give you a telling example that just happened as I write these lines.
It's Sunday, I just had a 3 hour nap because my body is sending me a signal. I wake up at 4:30 p.m. for a family tea break. My mother bought "chouquettes" and peanut butter.
So far, so good, you'll be okay with that, right?
Here's what's going through my head:
"Okay, Maxime, so it's almost 5:00. You're really not going to be able to do everything you wanted to do. 3-hour nap, seriously? What's wrong with you? You wake up tired from your nap again and you eat up all those calories. Are you forgetting your goal? Are you giving up?
And I remind you we were supposed to work on Timeleft this afternoon, remember? We were also supposed to read 10% of our book, so that's off the table? Didn't you also want to see your friend tonight? So what do we do now, huh? We got five hours before we go to sleep, you think that's enough time?”
So no, it's not so much fun being me.
On the one hand, I'm so happy, so lucky to be able to accomplish so much, to conquer my dreams, to inspire others, to know where I'm going. On the other hand, I live with such a violent and demanding character inside my head, who is never satiated, who always wants more.
Always more.

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it”. - Henry David Thoreau

Kanye West seemingly announced that he intends to run for president of the United States in the upcoming 2020 election, tweeting on the Fourth of July, “We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future. I am running for president of the United States.”
Elon Musk, noted color-coordinating friend of West’s, tweeted in response, “You have my full support!” It is entirely unclear if West is joking or not, but his past statements regarding a possible presidential bid indicate that he might be partially serious.

What would the child that you were say, seeing the adult that you are today?

ONE WEBSITE TO KNOW (when you're Parisian)
Newtable is THE reference site for discovering new restaurants in Paris and its suburbs. Lovers of nice places and gourmets will love to find the latest Parisian nuggets!
Personally, I go there whenever I want to discover a new restaurant.
> Just browse this section <

40 min Street-Workout
No gym, no problem! We are lucky enough to have the gravity to be able to train anywhere, anytime and without spending a euro. One pull-up bar and let's go!
5x dips + 10x pull-ups + 15x pushups.
Start every 3 minutes, for 10 rounds.
After-Party : 10x toes-to-bars every 1 minute for 10 rounds

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