How to have more money without making more money
1% better every day at 11:11am - newsletter #035
You'll probably think of the new catchphrase that fired up the web: "je pense que la question est vite répondue". Because, yes, I agree, the title of this newsletter sounds like a bad advertisement. But just give me five minutes.
I noticed the same phenomenon in two successive discussions, one around entrepreneurship and the other around personal life.
The first discussion is with a young entrepreneur who is in trouble with her company. She has only "6 months of cash left". She was convinced that the only solution for her was to raise a new amount of money to survive.
I tried, in vain, to make her understand that she could give herself "more oxygen" to survive by focusing on these expenses first. She can't "control" a fundraiser, but she can control her spending.
If she "burns" 50k€ per month and she has 300k€ left in her bank account, then she actually lasts 6 months. But if she reduces her charges by half (and yes, it is possible despite what we believe) then without increasing her turnover or raising money, she will last 12 months. Which is a complete game changer!
I lived this experience twice in 10 years in my previous startup.
The second discussion is about a friend who wants to quit her job to become a digital nomad and enjoy the best the world has to offer. We approve of such a dream!
Except her reason is the same as the entrepreneur. She is convinced that she needs to generate an online income at least equivalent to her current salary in order to, and I quote, "not to reduce her standard of living".
Once again, I tried to show her that she could not "control" when her online income would be waiting for her current salary. Instead, she can control what she spends.
Let's imagine that she earns 5000 euros per month and spends 4000 euros per month. She therefore needs an income of 5000 euros to "leave her job with peace of mind". But let's imagine that she cuts her expenses in half (and yes, it's possible, I did). All of a sudden, her turnover target is 3000 euros, which is 40% less ambitious!
I can already see you saying "yes, well, if you cut your expenses in half, you cut your standard of living in half". Well, you don't. You have no idea where your money goes! Trust me !
All this to say: don't just focus on increasing your income, start by "controlling" your expenses.
I suggest you do the following exercise: at the end of each week, go back over your expenses and classify them into 3 categories (living, sleeping and moving). The exercise will allow you to really realize where your money goes and to see the expenses that can easily be cut without "damaging" your standard of living.

My 2020 example above. You can see in S7 and S8 my stay at Vipassana (all taken care of) and the beginning of the lockdown in S13!

“Letting go is sometimes a much more powerful act than defending or holding on.” - Eckhart Tolle

The President of the Republic joined the TikTok community and took the opportunity to congratulate the young graduates. Obviously, he does not master the platform's codes.
"First of all, to say congratulations. It's the fruit of your labor and commitment, so now celebrate it, enjoy it."

What does "owning something" really mean?

450 reps / time : 10 to 20 min
25x Climbers + 25x Situps + 25x Squats + 25sec rest
20x Climbers + 20x Situps + 20x Squats + 20sec rest
15x Climbers + 15x Situps + 15x Squats + 15sec rest
10x Climbers + 10x Situps + 10x Squats + 10sec rest
05x Climbers + 05x Situps + 05x Squats + 05sec rest
Go for 2 rounds. If you do it in less than 10min, you’re are in a pretty good shape !

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