Contrary to the popular saying, money can buy happiness, but only if used to do things as opposed to simply have things. In his book Luxury Fever, Robert Frank explains that while the positive feelings we get from material objects are frustratingly fleeting, spending money on experiences, especially ones with other people, produces positive emotions that are both more meaningful and more lasting.
Look at your expenses, rather than your income.
It is often thought that you have to increase your income to get "more money". Except we have less control over that. On the other hand, we can control what we spend. For 3 years, I have watched every week my money is going. Do the exercise, you'll be surprised!
You can also use this exercise to see if you're spending more on "experiences" or "things.”. You may quickly find yourself wanting to reapportion money from your “having” column to your “doing” column.

I became a minimalist overnight, after seeing the documentary of the same name (trailer here). To get to that point, I practiced an extreme exercise. I put all my stuff in about 20 plastic bags. I waited 2 months. What I really needed was outside the bags, what I didn't need was still inside. I gave all the bags to the Red Cross without looking…
Since then, I have been applying three principles to keep things to a minimum:
If I buy something I really need, I get rid of the same thing (1 t-shirt for 1 t-shirt)
I spend most of my money on experiences (activity, travel, food,...) and not on things.
I live in “home” fully equipped to stay light and free.
I recommend that you take a morning to count all the things you own, from the kitchen to the bedroom to the garage. It should make you dizzy!

“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and they will come forth later in uglier ways.” - Sigmund Freud

“‘Black lives matter’ doesn’t mean other lives don’t matter. Black lives matter speaks to racism and the disproportionate risk that Black people face in our law enforcement and justice system,” Jeff Bezos said in part of his reply.
Mark Zuckerberg also stated “black lives matter” in an email sent to employees that he posted publicly Friday evening. “To members of our Black community: I stand with you. Your lives matter. Black lives matter”.

Does happiness come before success or success before happiness?

Want to know a life hack that will change everything ? Run with other people. Like all great ideas Midnight Runners was kind of created accidentally. Two friends, motivated to run marathons but unmotivated by long work hours and the British winter decided that running together, that social commitment to meet up, was the only way to train.
But why stop at two people? A quick post on and on one cold, dark winter night back in January 2015 and 13 total strangers were turned into 13 happy runners. But when you are running together why wear headphones? It means you cannot get to know the person next to you. The idea of carrying a small portable speaker made our music more social and suddenly the act of running became a shared experience.
This instagram account is powered by @reebok with an international network : London, Berlin, Boston, Barcelona, NYC, Paris, LA, Sydney, Hong Kong, SF & Toronto.

600 reps / time : 20min (Off the bed!)
50x Jumping-Jacks
40x Pushups
30x Climbers
20x Squats
10 burpees
Go for 4 rounds directly off the bed.
This is my personal morning routine that I do at 5:55am to reactivate my body.
how to do : burpee / squat / climber / jumping-jack
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