Stop Blaming Your Genes (or your parents)
“I’m wired to be unhappy.” “Some people are just born like this and will never change.” “I'm fat because of my genes.” “I’m just not a funny person.” “She’s a born athlete.” How many times have we heard these excuses?
As if our potential is biologically fixed. As if, once we reach adulthood, it’s pointless to try to change. But the belief that we are just our genes is one of the most pernicious myths in modern culture, the idea that people come into the world with a fixed set of abilities and that they, and their brains, cannot change.Shawn Achor makes a very good counterpoint in his book "The Happiness Advantage”.
The first point is based on a study of London taxi drivers. They found something previously unimaginable: The cab drivers’ brains had significantly larger hippocampi, the brain structure devoted to spatial memory, than the average person’s. Either he would have to argue that (a) from birth, some people’s genes develop a larger hippocampus because they know that they will one day grow up to become taxi cab drivers in London, or concede that (b) the hippocampus can increase in size as a result of many hours of practice driving a taxi cab in maze-like surroundings.
The second point is based on a world record that changed the history of athletics. Back in the day, after rigorous testing and mathematical computations of the physics of our anatomy, experts concluded that the human body could not run a mile in under four minutes. It was just physically impossible. Then along came Roger Bannister, who in 1954 crashed the impossible in 3:59.4 (see the video from 1954) This unbelievable performance opened the door to new possibilities. Since that day, many runners have been able to run a mile in less than 4 minutes.
All this to say, that you have no idea of your full potential, because it is simply unlimited. You can't imagine how much you can accomplish or become if you start changing your habits now. At 34 years old, I couldn't swim or fight. A year later, I did an amateur boxing match in front of 300 people and completed two Olympic triathlons. Dream big. Start small. Begin now.
“Small daily improvements, when done consistently over time, lead to stunning results.

“If everything seems under control you’re not going fast enough.” - Mario Andretti (F1 racer)

Neuralink's technology is based around implanting electrodes into people's brain tissue though ultra thin "threads", which would be connected to chips and wires placed under the skin of the head. Those chips would then be linked to a removable "pod", which could sit behind the ear, and connect wirelessly with other devices.
This would allow information from the brain to be fed back directly to smartphones or computers, and would mean thoughts and emotions could be used to control those devices.
Elon Musk, says this could make it possible for people to communicate through their brains in future - essentially a telepathy. For now, the company's focus is medical, though, and is on helping paralysed patients communicate through their smartphones and computers.
Elon Musk said: “We definitely need to address the elephant in the room, the monkey in the room. A monkey has been able to control the computer with his brain. Just, FYI.”
It is hoping to test on humans next year (2021).

“And when it comes to relationships, I only surround myself with human beings who fuel my joy, stoke my peace and excite me to become a better man. Life’s way too valuable to hang with people who don’t get you. Who you just don’t vibe with. Who have different values and lower standards than you do. It’s a little miracle how powerfully and profoundly our influences and environments shape our productivity as well as our impact.” - The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma

If you don't know Seth, then you've probably been in a cave for the last 12 months. This young man who stands for something is the instagram sensation of the year. He went from 0 to 7.4M followers in less than a year. With the only help of a cardboard panel and a big felt pen.

Time : 10 to 15 min
2x20m Sprint + 10x Pushups + 30sec rest
2x20m Sprint + 10x Pushups + 30sec rest
2x20m Sprint + 10x Pushups + 60sec rest
Go for 4 round. If you do it in less than 12min, you’re are in a pretty good shape !
how to do a pushups
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