Tell me what you stand for
Have you noticed that we always ask "what do you do" and never "who are you?" As if what we are could be reduced to our job. It's sad, when you consider that the vast majority of people say they can't find meaning in their jobs.
Who are you? What are your values? What do you stand for? As Peter Marshall says, "If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything." But this question is confusing because we're not used to answering it. Sometimes we never even think about it!
When I look at people, I always ask the question, I say, man tell me what Nike stands for. They said, "Oh Ink that's easy, Just Do It." I said, tell me what Adidas stands for. "Oh Ink that's easy man, Impossible Is Nothing." I said, now tell me what you stand for. When people look at you, do they think excuses? When people look at you, do they think victory? When people look at you, do they think, that's a person that's gonna give me everything they got, not on some days, but on every day, and it's not gonna be predicated upon if I feel like it, because I think we all know if we only worked on the days when we felt like it none of us would get much accomplished. I'm talking about the real level of commitment. Not the commitment that falls in line if everything goes right. I'm speaking of the commitment that says, I am going to stay true to what I said I would do, long after the mood that I've said it in has left. - Inky Johnson
A good way to find answers to this question is to ask those around you. Ask them to describe you in 3 adjectives. Ask them to answer without thinking and with honesty. This will give you a first lead for reflection to help you ask yourself the right questions.

“The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” - Eden Phillpotts

Since I started my "calorie deficit" program, I have been using MyFitnessPal to count the calories I eat on a daily basis. All you have to do is scan the product to get the number of calories per 100 grammes (and macronutrients).
Clearly, it's game-changer. I'm amazed at the amount of calories I was consuming from my "healthy" diet... I talk about it in more detail in this video (in French)

How can I make the most of this?

If you like beautiful pictures that are outside the ordinary, you're in for a treat. Jordi is an amazing artist who has mastered the insta-game. The power of his concept: he shows the other side of the set for each of his photos.

560 reps / time : 15 to 30 min
20x Squats Jumps + 10x Pushups + 20sec rest
30x High Knees + 10x Burpees + 30sec rest
Go for 8 rounds. If you do it in less than 20min, you’re are in a pretty good shape
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