You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with
1% better every day at 11:11am - newsletter #032
Avoid Bad People. Never underestimate the power of your associations. By the phenomenon known as “emotional contagion” as well as through the activation of the mirror neurons in our brains, we model the behavior of the people we spend our days with.
Fill your life with exceptionally excellent, enterprising, healthy, positive, ethical and sincerely loving people. And over time, you’ll exemplify these lofty traits. Allow dream stealers, energy thieves and enthusiasm bandits into your own space and please know you’re sure to become like them.
We all know that. You know it and I know it. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. But the real question is :
If we know that, why don't we change that?

“How long would it take me to learn to do that?” we may ask, standing on the sideline of a longed-for activity. “Maybe a year to be pretty good,” the answer comes back. “It depends.” As blocked creatives, we like to pretend that a year or even several years is a long, long time. Our ego plays this little trick to keep us from getting started. Instead of allowing ourselves a creative journey, we focus on the length of the trip. “It’s such a long way,” we tell ourselves. It may be, but each day is just one more day with some motion in it, and that motion toward a goal is very enjoyable.
The Artist's Way - Julia Cameron

Hard seltzers are a big hit in the United States: these carbonated and flavoured waters are sold as a low-calorie alcoholic alternative. Founded by a Canadian who became a billionaire, White Claw has captured more than half of the market in four years and has just launched in Great Britain.
The beverage category that took the world by storm last summer continues to evolve and thrive

What would 10-year-old me say? What would 80-year-old me say?

To participate in the challenge, players needed to download the app, which only launched on the Apple app store a week before the challenge was set to begin. The idea is to hold your finger on your phone for as long as possible. If you open another app or even activate Siri, the app will remove you from the challenge. This means your phone is utterly useless for as long as you participate.
"Finger on the App boils down phone use to its minimalist core, and yet, for the hours or even days this contest runs, your phone can provide utterly no utility so long as you play," the app's manifesto reads. "... As our attention spans flee, Finger On The App demands utmost devotion to a total absence of distraction: a game where you can’t do anything."
According to MrBeast's Twitter, over a million people participated in the challenge.

Go Zwift !
Zwift is an online cycling game and training program that enables users to ride, train and compete in a virtual world. Aimed at eliminating the excruciating boredom of simply sitting on the trainer and staring at the wall, Zwift has exploded in popularity since its release in 2014.
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